Monday, November 28, 2022

Close! Very close!

 This one will be a quick post.  Today, she needed to have her pussy shaved.  She had an appointment mid morning and has a doctor appointment this afternoon. The doctor will be doing some tests that will require her to undress so she wanted to be nice and smooth down there.  Even though he is a doctor, for me knowing another man might get to see her pussy is very exciting so I wanted to get her nice and smooth.

I did and as my reward for doing so I got to use my mouth to get her off.  I love having her lay on the bed with her pussy close to the edge so I can be on my knees and get that delicious pussy right into my mouth.  She can squirt when I do this and today she just literally flooded my face.

I kept my face burined into her wet pussy for about five minutes before I joined her on the bed.  I had not taken off my underwear and she began to slowly and teasingly massage my cock through the thin fabric.  After several minutes of this (this by the way has gone on for over a week) I began to cum but was so sensitive I grabbed her had and as I did she applied pressure to my cock stopping the cum from comming out. I had a mild orgasm and I suppose it was a classic "ruinied" orgasm but to me it was not ruined as I drifted off into sub space and felt like I was floating on a cloud. I could feel just a little bit leak out.

We both drifted off into a post orgasmic sleep.  Soon her text message sound alerted and woke us both up.  This was at least 25-30 minutes after drifting off and then my text message from female friend went off insuring we were both getting up.  As I walked into the living room I could feel more leak out and I still was semi erect.  She noticed and said,"Oh you're going to be hard all day, I love it."  

She snaped a photo of me and the drop that leaked out well after our interlude in the bedroom, I am still horny and still leaking as I think about todays events. She is right. I'll be hard most of the day.


sissysnow said...

so nice to share intimacies together. pride that you can make her feel good in that way.

bdenied said...

Snow thanks for stopping by and commenting. I always enjoy your comments.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if atheists doctor can detect that she had some sexual activity. Kinda always was my fantasy for me to fill up my partner prior to an ob/gun appointment.

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