Friday, April 20, 2018

Life can be Funny (Ironic) at times

By Ms bdenied

Funny how life can be.  My husband and I were having a nice dinner out with friends ...we were with husband's gal pal and her married Fuck Buddy.  Then lo & behold at the end of dinner, I get a text from MY Fuck buddy advising that he is passing  by the very  next morning. Just a weird compilation of people!

Turned out, My F Buddy wanted to stop by by 7:30AM . Perfect, since hubby was going out on a business trip leaving before 5AM. Perfect.   We were up at 4, hubby left. I was having my coffee when at 5:30 I got a text from Fuck Buddy he was just leaving the airport. Half hour drive away at that time of day. Hurried to get my shower Getting texts all the I alone? Is my cunt slippery & dripping?  Why, yes and he does he do this to me?   I see his number pop up on my phone my and pantie get soaked from my very wet and turned on pussy.

In he comes, shut & locked the door.   His hard on was ready to go.  He ordered me against the door...He reached around and fingered my wet pussy...He made sure I came leaning against "his"  door which he means is my husband's door. Oh he loves to fuck me against, "HIS DOOR."

Off to dining area...My lingerie slipped off and I knelt  in front of him as he took off his pants..

.He wanted me to suck his cock...I took the very hard  enormous cock in my mouth Going up & down with my tongue.  He put it  in deep and wanted me to gag...I made sure to tell him just how his BIG cock can do that.    All of this did not last long...he took me over to the couch and had me back my wet pussy onto his hard cock. It went in very easily being very wet and ready.  I was fucking his cock and grinding my clit on He had to stop before he unloaded too quickly.   He drags me  to the bedroom...he laid me down sideways, on my husband's side of the bed where he always takes me. pushed his cock in very hits the bottom in that position. He was ready. He fucked me hard & deep and put a large load in my whore cunt.   I squirted on the bed leaving a very  large wet spot from being fucked by his cock.

Then the collapse. He pulled the blankets up, sighed and asked to have his back lightly scratched so he could get some shut eye.  I did just that...lightly scratching and softly rubbing his back. He was asleep in the snap of a finger. He woke up about 20 minutes later ..."Are you awake? yes."  make sure I don't sleep past 7:30, will you?" yes.    He has a good internal 7:25 he was awake...he asked where some towns were & where there was a certain store....I told him...then he had to go. No,  coffee or breakfast, he had to go on about his business.   He dressed, then  gave me a nice big hug at the door thanking me for the interlude and off he went.

I texted the husband who was, I later found out, driving in heavy fog.  He got to see the clothes strewn about the room and the wet spot from my squirting from that huge cock, all over Mr Hubby's side of the bed.  Husband did not get to see the photos until he was at his business meeting.....opened them right in the middle of the meet...Suspect it gave him a thrill.
My recollection of events by Mr bdenied

So we are at dinner.  My wife, my sometimes girlfriend with whom I have a very kinky relationship.  In almost 20 years while I have kissed her pussy a time or two, and done other wild and crazy things, I have never once seen her enormous tits outside their concealed hiding spots.  She has never allowed me to ejaculate even one time although we have done some serious cock play with my cock.  She even had me over one night, sleeping on the couch while she and the guy sitting next to her at the restaurant were alone behind closed doors.  My wife knows about her, has met her before and approves of what we do and dont do.  This was the first time she met B's boyfriend.  I met him several years ago at a mutual get together and turns out he worked with a guy I worked with.  That my friends is called six degrees of separation.

I digress, we all four are having a pleasant evening at a water front restaurant on a glorious spring night, when the wife's cell beeps.  She now has a text message from her guy asking for meet in the early am.  The wife knows I am off for a very early morning meeting that will take me a 3 plus hour drive to get to, so she shows me the text, whispers in my ear what she will get that I wont get and we go about our dinner.

At home later, she played with me but never took my rock solid erection out of my underwear and stopped just short of getting me off. 

I am driving on a very dangerous rural road in fog so think I never even knew I drove over a bridge that is quite elevated over a river, and I had no idea where I actually was even though I have driven this exact road over 100 times.  Suddenly my phone alerts me to a text message but I am so busy trying to keep from going off the side of a road I can barely see I of course ignore it.  Don't text and drive, especially in heavy fog..Public Service announcement!!!!!

I arrive for my meeting and as we are chatting about the usual how was your drive stuff, I open the test message, see the two photos you see above just as the person I am meeting with says, "So how is your wife"?  Where is she...?(I often bring her to this particular place as we are all old friends too)  Without looking up, I say, "I think she is fine, probably with her boyfriend having a good time>"  He laughs and says, yeah mine wife's with her boyfriend too.  I chuckle because let me translate.  My friend is so vanilla he makes vanilla ice cream look like chocolate ice cream and he just said, "Yeah right, I know you are just making a crass joke.!?  I have learned that if your wife fucks other men, just tell other people that she does and they will never believe it.
So while this is not her because I can not and have never met this FB of hers this is what I imagined at my meeting


Anonymous said...

This has made me Horny AS FUCK! Please keep up the great work....

David, UK

bdenied said...

should make you more horny now we have added photos.

JFBreak said...

I really love the style of sharing both Ms. bdenied version of events and yours. Thanks for sharing. I also love, love, love the fact that her fuck buddy insists on taking your wife on your side of the bed. Nice wet spot!

Anonymous said...

Perfect! More pics please!

David, UK

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I can not believe you do the same thing.

I often come right out tell people she is out with her boy friend or with her big corporate boss for the weekend. Friends always laugh at this little joke. But it's all true.

She keeps BF handy and her boss is a sex hungry animal. She really loves them both. When she accidentally runs into someone we know while out with one of her men, she tells friends that I have agreed that she should start dating again. Everyone laughs but it's all true and she, the BF and her boss get the last laugh.

I should add that a couple of people have heard the joke a few times. They still laughed a bit uncomfortably. But I noticed one couple we know glance at each other with shock and concern for my nasty joke.

My wife told another couple her joke answer two weeks ago. They laughed, but the wife added to it, telling her husband that she thinks she needs to start dating too. -FH

bdenied said...

great comment anonymous...its amazing what we can truthfully say and no one believes it.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...