Saturday, May 5, 2018

The tease not meant to be a tease

So I am a sucker for a hot pair of legs in a short dress.  These legs were really hot and attached to a lovely lady from the Far East.  I

I actually captured this image and a whole lot more waiting for my plane to depart but what struck me were her legs.

She sat across from me and while I could not see up her dress(yeah I wanted too) the subtle way she sat was a heavenly tease.  She looked right at me when she crossed her leg as if to say, "Go ahead, feast your eyes it's all you are getting.

You lady people have no idea how sexy you are sitting so conservatively like this.  This photo proves just how much power you have over our lizard brains.


Southern Swinger said...

Oh how I am a short dress and leg man. SW (SwingerWife) and I attended a costume dance once as a French maid and butler and SW won the prize for her shapely legs. Picture you posted is really sexy.

JFBreak said...

It's funny how we guys are so attracted to the things that women offer just a glimpse of. This picture reminds me of my recent trip to a bagel restaurant and the fact that the excessively long wait for my to-go order was made much more pleasant by a woman in a similar style dress. This lady was mid-forties, very much a milf as the kids say, and she was engrossed in her e-mail or whatever she was looking at on her laptop. I genuinely try not to be a creepy gawking guy, especially when my wife is standing nearby, but I could not stop stealing glances at this woman and her dress that was scooting more and more up her thighs. Eventually, the jackpot, during a nonchalant uncrossing and re-crossing of the legs, the sight of her panties came into view for that split second, and I was taken back to a time when an accidental brush with naughty was the only way you got your thrills.

Women of the world: No, your dress is not too short to wear out in public!

bdenied said...

@SS...that must have been fun for certain... @JF...I gotta get to the bagel shop right now!

Anonymous said...

so HOT

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