Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Lost in space or the view from the peanut gallery

If you have followed this blog or have recently read it  then you might remember this photo from Mrs bdenied who posted yesterday about being more or less ravished and made into a fuck toy for her # 1 FWB..  I must say that if you go back and try to read that post you will not find it.  In attempting to put my perspective on, I deleted her post quite by accident. If was so hot it was about to set the blog on fire.

So thanks to Dan and Anna Louise who commented.

Now my thoughts.  Her guy had been texting her telling her he was going to rip her dress off and rape her.  He told her all the nasty things he was going to do to her in "My bed." 

Of course folks don't be alarmed this was fantasy.  and not unwanted fantasy on either of their parts.  Im sure that they do things I'm not privy too or it would inhibit my wife who believe it or not is very reserved and very shy.. The quietly wild slut you might say. 

So how do I feel about a guy raping my wife.  Well frankly if it ever happened for real, the rapist would pray to whomever he prays too that the cops find him before I do.  Nuff said, but If you remember Ving Rhames from Pulp Fiction and his line when he was in the dungeon......then you know what I'm talking about.

That being said, the idea of a fantasy rape is a turn on for me.....butttttt....not something I could ever do to her even if she wanted me too.  Yet I got really excited when he said he wanted to and I encouraged the fantasy.  Even though I have never met him, she has been fucking him for so many years in so many places and so many ways, I had no worries that he was safe and sane and consensual.

So he did.  He ripped her dress off and fucked her like he owned her without regard for me being her husband.  I found one of the hottest things he did was have her look at my photo and tell me she was being fucked by a man with a much bigger cock.  He apparently made her say that but my guess is that she did not take too much encouraging. I could tell when she told me this that she was very tentative about saying it, probably thinking my feelings would be hurt.

I will end here but in my opinion she had a blast...To Anna's comments specifically, she says this, 'TELL ANNA THAT IS THE REASON I KEEP ANSWERING HIS CALLS AND STILL INVITE HIM INTO THE BEDROOM!"

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