Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fee Fi Fo Fum

by Mrs. BDenied

ha ha ha...wouldn't you know it. I am not surprised, I actually thought the call would have come yesterday while I was fucking #2. But the call from fuck buddy #1 came in this morning.  Usually hear from his at least once a week, but had not heard from him for a week...he must have had family time last week...until this morning the day after hooking up with #2.   He is a jealous type...and  he wants me all to himself.  And when I do connect with someone else, he is on phone that day or first thing in the morning! It is like he KNOWS....he can smell another man is sniffing around his "whore" . 

Tried to do Face Time, but at his house (in another state now)  is lousy internet connection, so he had to be happy with a phone call. He does that. Will call me from the road. His house, driving in his car....he is so bad! (which makes it all that much more exciting)   So he texted his Sex Slave...he is in a Mr. Grey mode right now...I texted slutty things back, he said what he was going to do to me and all I kept saying was, "yes, Sir"...seemed to get him.   Then he was ready & said call.  He gets himself worked up, we call & he masterbates at the same time a I do until he comes.  Then it's, thanks. See ya.  

Yes, he is married...but who does he call when in need?   His go to girl!  He gets down here when he can...but since the move, mostly phone calls now a days.   For  10 years & counting.  :)

And if once in the morning wasn't enough...he must have really gotten the scent!  There was a SECOND call in afternoon. I was at store just on way home..5 minutes he had to wait...his texts were fucking me harder and home & said I was leaning against the door he fucked me at once...he wanted to know if I told hubby I got fucked at HIS door on and on HIS bed...yes.   we did sex talk, and he ..shot another load as he says.   He said once he can fuck morning , noon & night...I think he is right!


Lavender Fields said...

Nice to be his go too girl. He obviously cant get enough of you.

bdenied said...

welcome Anna Louise and thanks for the have some nice blog/s

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...