Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Be Careful What You Wish for

Aside from almost constant calls from her former guy, not much has been going on. It was even amazing that he texted her the other day and finally called.....turns out his wife was not too far from where he was and he wanted to hear her get off. My guess is that the "danger" was a turn on for her and I could hear her cum...The call was short and quick but the sounds to me seemed to indicate an orgasm.....Funny how living on the edge can create sexual arousal.....I think that is why she and this guy had spent so many years together. they fucked in his vehicle, her vehicle, behind buildings, at airports, in hotels, and even one place that I can not even mention...but trust me....it was a place where serious consequences could have happened....especially for him.

Last night, we did our shave the pussy routine/ritual. I got the kitty nice and smooth, then got my reward by bringing her off with my mouth. That really turns me on.. The whole ritual, shaving her while Im on my knees and then getting her off from the same position. I was needless to say quite aroused and hard.

As we lay in bed, she was masturbating me, slowly, very slowly and I sensed she was not going to finish...She says to me, "You are not going to come until I get fucked!" Well at first I'm thinking, damn its going to be hard to fuck her and not cum since I'm so close to the edge right now. Then she says, "So you better hope he comes over tomorrow."

I'm thinking it was her phone pal, but, nope....its the new number one guy....the one she recently wrote about. He is supposed to come over today....So after he gets her pussy I may get to cum....I am hoping it is by fucking her as I haven't beenn in that tight little pussy of hers in a while........But if he does not she reiterated that I am not cumming until she gets fucked. Damn I sure hope someone comes over to fuck her and sooner rather than later.

I suppose one must be careful in what one wishes for.. I have always enjoyed the fantasy of getting her after someone else, and now I just may have it really come true....I sure don't want one of those long dry spells now.

.....and finally as I read my favorite blogs where other wives are doing men other than husbands, I am always awed that so many of us all seem to do this at or about the same time......is it something in the stars?


Jim Young said...

Come to the southeast of the US. I'll be happy help you out with that hotwife of yours.

MyKey said...

Haha be careful indeed. I love how sexy and slur
tty she is with others ( in a good way) but denies you!

Have fun, hope it's not too long.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

Maybe it's in the stars but let's hope that it winds up in her pussy and leaking down her thighs.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Bubbha said...

I sure hope that you have gotten yours by now. Maybe in getting yours you also got some of theirs.

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