Friday, March 13, 2020

Virus Blues

Every year my wife and I look so forward to going to our local RenFest.  I only get to wear my Kilt once maybe twice a year.  I really like wearing it and I wont tell you wants underneath except for my boots. 

I called the Fest this morning and asked if they would be open this weekend as there are only two weeks left.  Yes, we will be here!!  Great news!

So ten minutes ago I went on line to buy tickets and bingo.  In huge blue borders with white letters.

The Fest is canceled because of Corona Virus.  What a bummer.  I must say we thought about if it would be safe or not...But we came to the conclusion that it's outdoors and we can avoid being close to people but I suppose the smart thing was to shut it down where masses of people gather there is more risk of spread.

So in any event had you been there this weekend this is what you would have seen or not seen.


Bathwater said...

Seriously this virus is going to ruin the year! Story of my life.

Bathwater said...
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JFBreak said...

I imagine this is wrecking havoc on all the small vendors who make their living off these sorts of festivals. Sorry you didn't get to show-off those legs and other parts!

bdenied said...

@Bathwater: Nice of you to stop by and comment. I do appreciate it. I agree that the virus is ruining things but "this too shall pass"

@jfbreak always good to hear form you. Well I got to show off to someone in another way but Ill say that description when we next chat....but thanks for the comment nonetheless!!!

sissy snow said...

a man in a skirt even if only a kilt is always fun. i do prefer my frilly sissy ones but thats just me

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