Wednesday, November 8, 2017

New Followers?Old Followers

For all the old followers I hope you are still out there and reading.  I noted some new followers and have not had the opportunity to welcome them.

So in the past few months I want to welcome:  Vanessa, Windel,Larry, and Medmaus.  I hope you all are enjoying the blog and please dont hesitate to leave a comment even if just to say hello.


Unknown said...

How do you keep rom hating yourself? Aren't there times when you feel ashamed of the typr of person you've allowed yourself to become? After all you're allowing other men to fuck your wife. Does compartmentalization work for you or are you just able to block these thoughts from your mind? Are there times when your wife looks on you with a sense of disgust? What "real man" lets other men fuck his wife.

bdenied said...

bstw. What does bstw stand for? Bull Shit Tiny Wanker? I was going to delete your obnoxious comment but in the interest of free speech I let it stay up.

I do not hate myself and I'm more real man than you could hope to ever be. I sleep well at night knowing she is having fun and pleasure and real men do whatever they can to make their wives happy.
" If you truly love it, let it go. If it loves you then it will come back. If it does not come back, hunt it down and shoot it!"

Now your next comment will be deleted because I only put up with so much bullshit and free speech!

Anonymous said...

Keep your stories “cumming”. Lol. They’re great. New to the lifestyle here, can’t wait till I’m as comfortable as you are Sir.

bdenied said...

Anonymous.....glad you stopped by and left a comment. as soon as we have something to post we will surely do so. it has been a bit slow.....

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...