Monday, October 23, 2017

Does Ejaculation=Orgasm?

Orgasm | Definition of Orgasm by Merriam-Webster
Definition of orgasm. :intense or paroxysmal excitement; especially :the rapid pleasurable release of neuromuscular tensions at the height of sexual arousal that is usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen in the male and by vaginal contractions in the female.

Ejaculation | Definition of Ejaculation by Merriam-Webster
medical Definition of ejaculation. :the act or process of ejaculating; specifically :the sudden or spontaneous discharging of a fluid (as semen in orgasm) from a duct — see premature ejaculation.

No in my view it does not!  My view is based upon experience.  My experience.  I often orgasm and sometimes when I do I do not even have an erection let alone ejaculate.

Women have orgasms and most do not ejaculate although some do.  

During the development of a fetus, the sexual organs are not defined until specific periods of time in the development.  Penis and vaginal tissue forms from the same bundle of nerves and tissue.  It therefore makes sense to me that orgasms and ejaculations in the male are different and separate events.  I believe that one associates the ejaculation with the orgasm because in most men they occur at the same time or in a period of time so short in duration it is hard to separate the two events.

But you can trust me an orgasm without an ejaculation is as good as one with an ejaculation and the best thing is that one can have multiple orgasms and not be finished and still wind up ejaculating.  Unfortunately at least for me, once the ejaculation happens, I am pretty much done for a period of time.  That time varies from a few minutes, hours or even a day or more depending on a lot of factors like how tired, how well I feel etc....But give me those orgasms all day long...I love em

1 comment:

JFBreak said...

I think I experience this orgasm without ejaculation on occasion, mostly during masturbation where the intent is to edge myself until I am ready for that final blow. I've also been able to achieve a secondary orgasm that is even more intense if I pause just at the moment of ejaculation. There is no additional ejaculate, simply a secondary moment of intense pleasure.

Let's face it, our dicks are like big clits. We just have to figure out how to work them!

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