Thursday, January 21, 2010

HNT-Mag Cover

I liked this psudeo magazine cover. Some of the "topics" were hot....Like poker and a pussy for a bet....havent put one of these up for a while so thought I might


Spin said...

Hot sex with an EX??? hmmmmm

rage said...

I think the chick's boobies are nice. I don't like the hot sex with an ex part though. That part gets me going in the wrong ways.

Genevieve said...

Fun cover. I'll have to keep it in mind for a future HNT, I'm new to it, and will run out of things to post I'm sure.

bdenied said...

Spin and Kitty: This was interesting. we were watching a sit com and in the show the female star has sex with her ex....the wife and I both agreed that would probably not happen in real life and if it did, it would be odd....

Genevieve: welcome to the blog and thanks for the comment

Unknown said...

It's not just a pseudo cover, its an actual pdf magazine:

Links to all 17 issues so far:

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...