Thursday, August 22, 2024

Putting it out there for others to see

 I wont mention the site because its not important and Im not trying to drive traffic there anyway,

For those of you who read this blog you know my wife and I enjoy a very loving marriage but that marriage is one in which she is free to have sex with other men and where I self identify as a cuckold husband.  I am very happy to be a cuckold and if it were not for the judgement people would heap down and the fact that we want to remain as anonymous as possible to protect our privacy, we choose not to tell others of our kinks I would happily tell others but frankly they have no business to know.

We do have some friends who do know but they are the kind of friends who have their own proclivities. I have recently posted some photos of our wives wearing our chastity keys and us in our chastity cages.  

For our friends its a more constant lock up of him and for me just a once in a while thing but every time we are with them I am locked and its fun.

So on another site I posted some photos of us all out and some of him and me in our cages, albeit very edited photos.  I looked today and checked the stats and on one post over 17,000 had viewed it and on another over 14,000.  To think that many people had an interest in seeing us locked or our wives wearing our keys is really awsome.  Makes one wonder how many people actually like chastity and like wives who like it?

So here is a photo of my wife and I. She has the key attached to her purse, but the angle of it makes it a bit difficult to tell its a key, but its silver.  If you look closely at my crotch (assuming you want to do that) you can see the outline very faintly of the cage. Trust me that is not all of me you are looking at.

Chastity is a fun thing, especially for married couples who want to add some zip to their relationship and its even hotter for wives and cuckoldl husbands.


vanessachaland said...

On one of my YouTube channels, I ran a little experiment. Most of it is just social issues, and gets minimal hits and views. I don't care as it's just me venting, so if no one watched...whatever. Anyway, I posted a few "risque" photos and used certain keywords, and within a day or so had about 85,000 views. So yes, anything "sexual" gets attention, it is what people are interested in, curious about, and searching for. Anyway...hope she loses her key. :)

bdenied said...

@Vanessachaland: Thanks for the comment and the insight. I had not thought of that way to get views. Clever: There are times when I want out of the cage and when that happens I feel a let down, and want to be in yeah she could loose the key...

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