Thursday, October 19, 2023

Sitting in the Doctors

 I had a routine doctor appointment today as part of my yearly check up. I was sitting in his office waiting for him to come in and noticed that their was a TV monitor directly across from me.  

I could see my reflection in the monitor as it was not in use and thought in a moment of vanity that I did not look all that bad.  My wife is always telling me that she can see my cock in my pants and I never believe her. I dont think I show well, as I have always been more of a grower than a shower.  

She swears women look too and I suppose she is right. I know I have caught her looking at other guys (I love it when she does) but I often wonder if any women ever look at me.  

But as I looked in the reflection, I could see that I was more visible than I ever thought I was. I took this photo just to see and sent it to her. She apparently liked it and sent back a few smiley faces to show her appreciation.

I am posting it here, probably in another moment of vanity but sometimes the exhibitionist in me just pops right out.  In the past when the blogging world had things like Half Naked Wed or Half Naked Thursday I would post photos. I seemed to have a lot of female readers back then and they often commented they liked what they saw. It was never real in your face which I think most women do not like, but sometimes just an occasional in that spirt here is me waiting for the doctor.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


In 2007 I started this blog because I was tired of all the fantasy nonsense that one reads about when they read and or see things that have to do with cuckolding, or hotwifing, or polyamorous relations.

There is often the fantasy conception that any man whose wife has sex with others is weak, not well endowed, is a lousy lover, quick cummer, and a host of other negatives. Well I guess some people enter an alterternative choice because of those reasons but not every one does and it surely does not apply to us.

While I have no issue being the "cuckold husband" to a very sexy and attractive wife and have absolutely no jealousy what we do is kind of like the condiments one sees on a pic nic table.  You know the hot dog tastes good by itself but when you put on some reslish and mustard or ketchup , or chile or whatever you like and you add some savory spices to your burgers, well they just taste better.

That is what we do. We add some spice to our life. I truly enjoy it when my wife has a sexual experience with a different guy. I love it if she spends a night or a couple of nights away having fun. I love watching her (she prefers I dont and I am good with that too) and I love it when she is just sexy and wants a new experience.

With a few exceptions I have vetted most of the guys she has chosen as a sexual partner.  Just recently she met  a guy at a band perrormace at a local venue.  I was not with her that day as I was a bit under the weather.  He was not bad looking and they chatted and connected on a social media site the next day.

The conversation was pleasant and they agreed to meet at a local beach and watch the sunrise. The conversation turned sexual and he asked her if I knew she was with him and she said yes. Well they wound up in his place and she gave him a BJ, which I wrote about.  She also met him  a week or two after the BJ and they had intervourse. One more hook up happened after that for a total of three.  

During her hook up he was constantly texting me. Even sent some photos which I posted and the sex was not bad for her and I am sure for him.  But he kept texting and the texts to me were of his "conquest" of my wife and how she came etc. etc. He was also sending me photos of his cock, hard in his pants (I really dont give a damn about his cock) and well frankly his texts to me were too often and too much and I told him that for us this was an occasional thing and that the texts were becoming annoying.  I also said that once in a while is great and we could all three meet a clothing optional beach and take it from there.

Well he kept texting her, and every time he did the texts got more and more sexual and he began acting as if they were a couple.  He was off one particular day and wanted to meet with her but we had plans. He got more and more demaning of her and her time and she finally told him there is no "we" only us meaning her and me.  We are married and this is not going to be an every week or every day thing.  

Well our favorite band was playing at a place near us and she texted him about coming.  He did not show up and then like a 7th grade kid who got all miffed he unfriended her on a social media platform and did not respond.  Frankly, I think we are lucky. He just never seemed to get the idea that we are a comitted couple that on ocassion will invite another man to share the marital bed.  

So a word to all you would be "bulls" or guys who want to do a married woman with her husbands knowledge don't  be that guy. Be nice to them and dont be a creepy guy !  You are there as their guest and please respect that and them as well as the husband!


My take, Mrs bdenied:

I made it clear from the beginning any get together would be an occasional thing. 

Don't be pushy about making more get togethers. 

Do not think you have become my boyfriend.

Stop with the constant messages ...I have a life with my husband.  You and I are not a "we"

Don't be annoyed if I do not message you every day. I HAVE A LIFE 

Don't try & interjet yourself between me and my husband. 

Take showers before meeting up for heaven's sake. 

Stop sending selfies from the gym. I know what you look like. 

Do not send dick pics unless requested. Not every gal wants them. 

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...