Sunday, August 30, 2020

Truth Stranger than Fiction

 So on occasion I will be some place without my wife.  Some one will ask, "Oh where is your wife today?"  I will look at them and say, "I am not sure, probably with her boyfriend and who knows what those two may be doing!"  

They look at me, they laugh and that makes me laugh and I just told them the absolute truth and they just think I am lying.....They never querry further.!

I had to post something.  It is slow in the world of hotwifing and cuckolding.  This zombie world of virus non sense will end one of these days and then perhaps we can get back to serious fucking!


sissy snow said...

Restaurants are open here once again. My wife has enjoyed a few dinner dates with her suitors. Covid has definitely made things more difficult in that department.

JFBreak said...

I have to laugh. I keep waiting for the nosy neighbor, (I like to think of her as Mrs Kravitz from the old Bewitched Tv show), to ask me who that man in the white truck that shows up on Wednesdays while I'm at work is. When I say, "Oh, that's just my wife's boyfriend" without missing a beat, I know her face will freeze for a moment, and then she let out a nervous laugh.

bdenied said...

@jf I cant wait for that day to happen. Tell Mrs Kravitz I said hello.

@ SS thanks for dropping by and sharing. It nice to hear normalacy is coming back

Anonymous said...

I have actually done that and it's really great. Funny for sure, but in a real way it is really great to finally tell the truth. In fact we joke with a few friends that when we reached our fifth year being married that she is allowed to start dating again. So the year that was the fifth year, one of the wives saw my wife out with my best friend, who is single, for lunch in a really innocent setting. So the next time all the friends were together, including my best friend who everyone knows well and likes, the wife pipes up making a joke that "it's the fifth year, so who have you been dating?" My wife giggles a little and then grabs my best friend around the waist and snuggles in and she says, "His best friend is my side guy." Everyone laughs and gets silly about it asking for details and making suggestions. My wife and I join in as does my best friend telling them stuff they have done for real. Everyone is laughing except the wife who brought it up is uncomfortable during part of it. Petty sure gets gets it. It's still a joke among all us friends. For me it's still a battle of lust vs fear. But most of all I'm happy for her and I'm glad to tell the truth even in a joke form.

Anyway, thanks for reading this and as a kind of reward here's my wife:

Sorry the photos are unclear. You'll get the idea if you read some of the comments.

Unknown said...

I have told the truth so many times without anyone believing/knowing it whilst my wife gives me daggers.

Anonymous said...

So I'm the anonymous guy above. I see that more 5600 people have look at my wife topless and teasing me after spending the night with my best friend. Please feel free to take look again. I have added more comments and stories. Please vote her up and add your comments as well. My wife loves knowing and me tell the truth of our relationship. Enjoy.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...