Saturday, May 11, 2019

a Lull for Now

We havent gone anywhere and have just been in a cuckolding lull.  We think it could be broken by the end of the month.  We hope so anyway.

You know you would think a good looking lady who is willing to drop her panties and part her legs should be able to get laid anytime.  Well that is probably true as long as one is willing to go places and do things that make it happen.

Perhaps we tend to stay home too much and not go out enough.  But it seems when we do go out we are never approached by men who want to try to engage us.

We go to a clothing optional beach near us from time to time.  We see good looking couples, females and single men at these locations.  One guy used to "camp" out near us all the time.  For years.  My wife always thought he was good looking and remarked that she would "do" him but he never once spoke to us, introduced himself to us or made any attempt to get to know us.  In fairness we did not ever approach him either although I think on a couple of occasions we did nod acknowledging his presence and maybe saying a "howyadoing" but that was the extent of it.

A few weeks ago a good looking single guy near us was spraying on sun screen and when he stood up we both noticed he had a half hard on.  His cock was not huge but it was a nice looking average seize cock and he had a solid build that she likes on guys and had he gotten friendly that day he probably would have gotten lucky too.

Oh well we expect a visitor by the end of the month and will let you know if it happens.


vanessachaland said...

I find that just like everything else in life, too much of anything can sort of wear on you. I take breaks, sometimes for days, sometimes for months. If it loses that "spark" it could, *could* I say, become almost a redundant chore. And that's not good. :)

JFBreak said...

I think these things come in waves sometimes. Easy for me to say I guess, since we've had a good run for going on two years now. But I do know how frustrating it can be. The Internet is full of men just losing thier minds over the chance to fuck another man's wife, and yet in real life, it is like your wife has to wear one of those sandwich board signs that says, "Free Pussy".

Fingers crossed for the end of the month!

bdenied said...

@vanessachaland Thanks for the comment and dropping by the

@JFBreak its always good to hear from you. I appreciate the comments

Jim said...

Haulover Beach? I go there occasionally.

"It's Raining Men!"

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