Thursday, October 4, 2018

Men, Men Mem!

by Ms bdenied:

Men men men men! 

Went to a reunion  this past weekend.   Now, The Sunday before we left, Alpha 1 had called for some relief..I told him I was going to a reunion the following week…his first response was, “Are you going to fuck someone?”  Funny how a fuck buddy can be jealous…I said NO,  there is no one there I would want to fuck…just you because you are so sexy!  

So. We were driving to the event  on a Wednesday,  who texts me? Alpha 2! Wanted to know if I was near a certain airport…well..yes, but no…we were currently in car driving  & would be back 10/4…DANG. He was cumming into town 10/3. Darn!  He promised he  would come back to our area & stay in touch.

More on the event to follow….But the following Sunday…good old Alpha 1 texts…’Alone?”…now, he was told we were going away…he listens to me less than his wife, I swear!  Horn dog that he is, he texted me on Sunday anyway for relief…too bad for him, we were already in car driving to another vacation destination.    Explained I would be back home WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON.  Soo…  Wednesday at 2:30 comes his text..HOME YET?  Well…almost. Was running some after trip errands: but he was able to wait a half an hour..I told  him hubby was going to the store to pick up something for dinner…So FINALLY…Got home and texted Alpha 1 right away…he was more than ready!  In a hotel room…watching me come via an internet communication app, then showing off that big cock  of his shooting his huge load…he was finally a happy camper….  He certainly is  persistent one!

So…in the meantime between all the texts from Alpha 1 & 2….there was this  reunion.  I had already beforehand set up a hook up with an old former crush…..a macho guy in his younger days.   He texted a lot before the reunion AND called…yes, he was good with getting together for a couple of hours BOTH Friday & Saturday afternoon.    He never did make it the first  afternoon due to traffic…but he did come to the meet & greet & we got to chat a bit, with some sly  knowing winks at each other.   I whispered in his ear, Sat that the next day at  2:00 P.M.  hubman would be will be doing his daily work out for 2 hours. He nodded yes that it was doable.

Saturday afternoon..right on time he showed up in parking lot. Hubby was walking out & was seen by Reunion Guy, who immediately got back in his car not wanting to be seen by hubby!  Little did he know it was all a set up. Hubby called me to make it seem like he never saw Reunion guy.   Ok, Finally. Reunion guy comes up to the room. Sits on the bed…OK, Why am I here? He asks, (WTF?  I think! )  He asks if I was going to leave my husband!   I said I was not going top leave my husband, I love him!  Oh, you are just  a horny bitch?  he says. Yes..that’s it!  LOL.   I let him think that he is getting one over on hubby.

He felt better about things, so . He took off his jacket, plopped his belongings onto the night stand…We kissed, laid down  and he put his arms around me.  I took off my clothes and he could see I was shaved…A previous conversation was what the color of my hair was..he had said blonde, and I had told him, really? You won’t be able to tell. At the time he did not get it…so I said now…Now do you see why I said you don’t know what color my hair is?  I am bare down there!  There are no carpets to match the drapes.  He laughed finally getting it.

He went down on me…I got very wet and came.  Then I said, your turn…got in between his legs, massaged his balls and stroked his  not so cooperative cock.    He does take some meds that can cause the dick to need a bit more attention. I stroked & sucked until it was hard…he moaned and liked it saying How good it felt.   Some men seem to have a difficult time cumming from blow jobs alone  So I  took my mouth off and finished him off by giving his cock some serious hand action  until he exploded and shot his hot cum out.  He laid back, smiling.   Finally, It was time to go…see you later.

He did show up late at the reunion, and sat next to me for a short time. Hubby introduced himself, & Reunion guy said they met last night…hubby said he met a lot of people last night & did not remember him hahaha.  Like he was inconsequential.  Anyway,  I made sure I surreptitiously put my hand on Reunion guys  thigh once or twice.  We got up top get  in the dinner buffet line  and he sat across from me…ha ha ha…he was afraid people would see..but he had a sly smile on his face & winked at me.   Hubby had a good time asking him questions,  busting his balls without him knowing it.   We all stayed until closing time, I gave & got a BIG hug from reunion guy.  I also got and gave some hugs  to a few others  who  I had no idea had ever known me from way back then.   Hubby says, they had noticed me and still do with a longing in their eyes.  Oh & night of fun was  over.

So, between texts from persistent Alpha 1 and 2…and hooking up with reunion guy…was a weekend for the books.   Men men men!
The Event:  Mr. bdenied's take on things!

So as you know by now my hottie wife arranged a hook up with an old crush.  Because of his background and expressed attitudes we felt it best that he did not know about our special relationship and just think that she was having an affair on the side.

What is hilarious is that her number one and two main guys must have sensed she was up to something because they both contacted her within days of us attending this event.

The wife got a bit concerned and thought the hook up guy was blowing her off because the plan was to meet up two days in a row.  However although we men may think we can fuck like we did when we were 20, the reality is that we all slow down a bit as the birthdays pass us by.

Well we got up to the event and went to a scheduled meet and greet.  While this was an event for the wife, I only came along for moral support and did not know anyone.  However without going into a lot of details one other husband attending and I both hit it off as we had many mutual experiences we could share.  He was a hoot and it was obvious we both have and had the same sick sense of humor.  Our agreements were vast and many and we both shared a love for hunting, outdoor activities and other old stately manly things. 

So eventually hook up guy showed up and I was introduced.  I could tell by the look on his face that he was hiding a secret that he thought I did not know about.  I often wonder if men who are fucking wives and think the husbands do not know have a smugness about the situation maybe bordering on contempt for the husband.  In any event the real joke was on him not me!

So the next day I went to my daily two hour work out so the wife could make her illicit hook up.  That is well documented above.  On my way down, I got stuck on the elevator when the doors would not open.  Lucky for us there was a hotel worker who was on the elevator and had experienced the issue with this elevator before.  We eventually got the door open but not before going to the basement.  I got off, walked up to lobby.  Wife had texted that reunion guy was downstairs.  I finally got off the elevator about five minutes after I left the room.  Reunion guy must have thought "Elvis" had left the building because as I walked into the parking lot, I saw him getting out of his car.  I called the wife to tell her to call him and tell him about me getting stuck.  I pretended to not see him but got a kick out of him immediately turning to get back in his car and make himself invisible.

So now we fast forward to the dinner dance held later that night.  Reunion guy shows up about 30 minutes late.  I was with the other displaced husband and we were again having a grand time telling each other funny jokes.  Reunion guy sits down and I introduce myself.  He says we met last night and I tell him that I dont remember because I met to many folks.  Eventually, I ask him if he still lives in the area and he says no a different state.   So, the wife is sitting in the middle me on one side him on the other and my new found bud sitting next to me.

We all get up to get in the buffet line and I put reunion guy in front of me and behind wife.  I ask him if he was staying at the same hotel and he says no, he is staying with relatives.  I then say, "Oh, gee I forgot your name from last night but I thought I saw you at our hotel today, hmmm must have been someone who looks like you!'  He turns about  90 shades of white and goes into a discourse about what he did all day.  Hmmm I say, that is not very exciting, I would think a guy like you would do something exciting.  I am giddy inside with this chop busting and him getting more nervous. 

We get our food, sit down and he sits across the table from us.    I see him wink at the wife like he has something he knows that I dont.  Oh yeah, I'm actually loving this!

Eventually, the wife gets chatting with an old girlfriend and I turn to my new found bud sitting next to me.  Turns out he and I enjoy many of the same TV shows.  Reunion guy is sitting across from both me and my new best friend.  We had been chatting about hunting, fishing, sports and other guy things.  Reunion guy also has similar interests and he is joining in the conversation.

Eventually, I look at new best friend and ask him if he saw the show where the husband shot and killed the boyfriend who had been having an affair with the husband's wife.  I knew my new best friend had seen the show and I actually knew what he'd say.  He said, Yeah, the cops arrested the guy but probably wanted to give him a medal instead but alas they had to do their job.  I laughed out loud and said yeah, I agree!.  Reunion guy goes even whiter and says that was a good reason to be armed.  Any way I had busted enough chops for one evening and let my new best friend and Reunion guy continue to chat about the aforementioned guy things.

The last thing I noted was that several guys at the reunion looked at the wife with those hungry I want her eyes.  I could tell they were definitely charmed by her and probably would have loved to have gotten an invite to see her while I did my daily work out.


JFBreak said...

Who says the fun is only in the actual sex part? I suspect the reunion guy is still thanking his lucky stars that he not only got to enjoy Mrs bdenied, but he didn't get shot in the process!

bdenied said...

yeah that was my thought too.....little did he know that he had no chance of that happening...but it was still fun!

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...