Thursday, July 19, 2018


I have had difficulty sleeping since I was a kid.  I would go to bed, toss and turn and not be able to fall asleep.

I would be tired but unable to sleep.  My mind would race, and I would suddenly think of something and could not get it out of my mind. 

I would often change position and sleep at the foot of the bed and sometimes that would help and I could fall asleep.

Now when I toss and turn, I'll go out into the living room and lie down on the couch.  It is very cramped and I cant move much and sometimes that helps.  The A/C also blows colder out in the living room and the cool breeze from the A/C and cool leather of the couch and being unable to toss and turn will often do the trick.

Well the other night...nothing up took a Benedryl as it has sedative effect. I go back to bed.  She has spent over an hour playing with my dick before bed and kept me close to cumming. 

I touched myself through the think fabric of my underwear, and said to myself "Fuck it Ill jerk off, cum and then go to sleep." Of course you ladies know when we men cum we often fall asleep.

So I did exactly that.  Got myself off.  Actually came, had an orgasm.  I rarely jerk off to a full orgasm but do so hoping I could go to sleep. way...just me and my dick in my hand like this....

Thursday, July 5, 2018


By Mrs. B Denied

4th Of July Rocket

Received a text from my Alpha Male the day before July 4th.  He would be in town the day after July 4th...Yes, I am available between 4-5.  SURE! (always! 😗   I always look forward to his cumming to town.  hee hee. 😊

Here it is, July 5th and we're are waiting. Things usually do get changed, time frame wise.  And sure enough, would 2 be ok?   Yes,  I was excited for 4, now even more so that he would be fucking me sooner. 😼

1 o'clock came & went...hubby still hanging around.  With Alpha, you never know when he will   show up...a surprsie "attack" sooner than thought.    I hustled hubby out on errands since the 2 may never cross paths,  and told him I would let him know when he showed up. 2 o'clock  came & a new text..he was 30 mins out now.   A  few more minutes..another text...can I Face Time my pussy to him...where on earth is he that he can get a FACE TIME?  HE WAS DRIVING!  I did it..his phone propped up on console...I showed him my wet pussy  & he whipped his dick out of his loose shorts to show me his hard on all ready for me.  That was a quick enticement to get us more in the mood....

When he walked in, I was lounging on the couch, one leg bent up, the other leg off the couch, splaying my wet pussy...just for him.
  He was pleased what a whore I was acting.  he wasted no time taking off shorts & shirt and coming over with that huge cock at my face.  "Suck my cock you whore"   I did the tip but wanted to be fucked....I took hold of the big cock...and the phone rang.  I said I would not answer..he looked at the phone & said, "It's your husband"  Well. I am not going to answer. "You are not going to answer?  WHAT IF HE COMES HOME? WHAT IF HE WALKS IN? Does he know I am here?  No, I said, he does not know you are here. My secret, and NO, he will NOT be walking in.   He liked the thought of husband not he continued his business.  😈

 He Commands,  "Spread those legs, WHORE!"  I did, he put his fingers in me and wanted me to rub my clit until I came.  He could feel the convulsion inside, took out his fingers and shoved that huge cock in me.   He was thrusting and my pussy was dripping wet...I said, you made me squirt with your cock!  Yes, he could feel it dripping on him.  Then he went deep...several is hitting bottom..I will feel you tomorrow..he thrust a few more times and shot a big load inside me.

It may have seemed fast & furious...but since I had known about it for 2 days...the excitement had built up and I was more than ready to take all he had to give.

He got up, cleaned up, got dressed thanked me for fuck  & run, he needed that...hugged me and asked for the usual sparkling water we always have.. He just makes himself at home here.  Before he left, he went into the bathroom my husband always uses and peed, like he was marking his territory. 

Nice big bang for 4th of July!    My pussy feels like a rocket went off inside!!!

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...