Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Non Erotic Dentistry

I had to take her to the Dentist today for a consult for some minor oral surgery.  If there is any such thing as minor oral surgery.  Years ago the poor wife had a bad tooth that needed a root canal.  We found an Endodontist who could get her in but she insisted she see him after work.

I knew she was going to be hurting after the root canal so I picked her up at work and drove her to her appointment.  She wore very professional office skirts and shirts and I always thought she looked hot.  I remember once coming to her office to pick her up for lunch and I sat in the chair across from her desk as she wrapped up some last minute details. (She is very adamant that this gets done) and as her swivel chair turned in my direction I could see up her skirt and even though I know whats there I developed an erection.  Not so much because of what I saw but because I knew if I got an upskirt I knew her clients would also likely see the same lovely sight I saw.  Back to the dentist!

So when I took her for the root canal, she had on the office skirt and was laying in the dentists chair.  Of course you ladies know that lying down in a skirt causes the skirt to rise up.  Hers was definitely up and if the dentist wanted to Im sure he could catch a glimpse.  His window plate glass window opened to the back of a lake and I happened to by walking about the complex when I came by the window.  There she was lying on his chair, skirt hiked up, mouth agape and the thoughts running through my male micro brain...well you can imagine.

So fast forward to today.  She is no longer working and I took her because we did not know the extent of today's procedure and I was going to act as her listener and question the doc as he examined her.

But lying there on the chair I just could not resist.  Not quite the same view as a skirt provides but it got my motor running. If only her ankles were not crossed.

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