Saturday, July 29, 2017


So it will soon be our anniversary.  I wont mention how many years but we are talking quite some time, more than ten and less than thirty......anyway when we got married there was no best man, just my bride, me and our guests.  At that time we had not discussed having a cuckold relationship.  It's amazing what couples do not talk about before marriage and if they can't after marriage then the marriage can go sour quickly.

In any event I did have a fantasy of a best man fucking her at the reception although she did not know that then

We have talked about having a repeat ceremony on our anniversary to re affirm our loving commitment, but this time having a best man...the plan would be to host the reception and have the best man sneak off with her, fill her with cum and have her come back to me with the fresh cum in her hot tight little pussy.

We'd do this too, except we can not find anyone (even her two best guys) to commit to the day certain.

Our former home in Texas was ideal.  It had a center bathroom with  separate access from a guest bedroom and  a hallway.  It would have been so easy for him to enter the bathroom shortly after she excused herself to go freshen up into the bedroom. We thought she could even ask where something was and I could tell her in the guest bedroom.  The doors could be closed and locked and he could then enter the bedroom, fuck her and make his exit out the bathroom with no one the just never worked out much to our disappointment.

Well back to our original day. After the ceremony we had a limo pick my wife, me and her boss and his wife up at the Church and drive us to the reception.

My wife had a wedding dress that was just slightly above her knees but for the ceremony she had an accessory that she wrapped around that made the dress appear longer.  This part worn for the ceremony and removed for the limo ride.

Her boss's wife had on a pretty blue dress also slightly above her knees.  We all got into the limo with the two ladies taking the rear bench seat, and her boss took a forward facing seat as did I.  We did this because the bench seat was more comfortable for the ladies.  I noticed immediately that both ladies were sitting with their legs together but at an angle where I could see up their dresses.  I could clearly see my wife's nicely shaved pussy, and his wife had on panty hose and the center crotch was quite visible.  I was sure her boss got an eyeful and I got an erection knowing he did.  The photo attached is close to what I could see but not an exact.  Its also a hot photo.

Friday, July 28, 2017

The hand writing is on the wall!

by Mrs. B. Denied

😄 As a follow up  to the visit from my Alpha 1.   Two days after he visited, I noticed something. Did not see it that day or the day after. Since we have no little ones in the house that routinely put fingerprints on walls, it took me two days to see. I walked in through the front door...the light must have hit it differently or something, because...huh. What's that mark on the wall?   I noticed 4 faint stick like marks and a little blob. Very faint...but there it was.  It could only  be mine...I got down on all fours on my knees...put up my arm...Yessiree. That is my hand print from bracing myself with Alpha 1 fucking me at the door!  He was going at it hard which made me inch forward..I had to brace myself on the wall.  And there is the proof. It matched my fingers & height exactly! 

Of course I had showered before he arrived, and lathered up with lotion to stay nice & soft...guess there was still some lotion on my fingers, because there it was! hahaha!

By Mr. bdenied:  I was doing something in the house when she came in from taking something outside and she said come here and look at this!

She was pointing at the wall in the hallway, and I immediately thought, "Oh shit we have a leak or a crack or some structural problem.  

No not even close.  She says look closely and tell me what you see.  I bend down and look...Fucking finger prints on the wall.  We don';t have kids living in the house..  I look at her and smile and ask, Yours?  He must have really pounded that hot little cunt of yours and you needed to brace yourself."  She just smiled and I got an erection from the thought of my little wife having to hang on while he pounded her pussy.....

I  photographed  the prints.  They are very faint and with just a cell phone and little if any photographic skills  I can see the outline I do not think the average reader can   but I published the photo anyway and perhaps if you look close enough you can see them too.

Proof it was hot & heavy

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Spread and waiting

By Mrs. B. Denied

About a month ago, I received a text from Alpha 2 that he would be in town at the end of the month...yes. I was available, of course.  In between...Alpha 1 happened to try & set up a hook up, but it fizzled...but by the FI FI FO FUM rule...I had a feeling I would be hearing from him soon. 
On a Sunday afternoon, I received a  surprise text from Alpha 1  asking me what I was doing the next morning. Wow. OK....  AM.....available...but, what are his sexy plans this time?  It usually is me going to airport to pick him up, then an hour or 2 in his hotel room, then I am on my way.    This was a totally spontaneous surprise visit. 

This time was he was COMING TO MY HOUSE!   Unusual on his part, but it  is great! I don't have to drive anywhere.   OK, what are the logistics, since my husband will have to vacate! 

After a phone call to firm things pun intended..but it did anyway as we both  took the opportunity to get off via phone.   I understood him to be coming here around 7AM. OK. Not too bad.   But at 4:30AM...DING....   My phone text beeps. He landed early!  UH OH.  Had NOT planned on THAT... early...scrambled for coffee...then husband heard the commotion...I was putting on some lingerie that I had laid out the night before...slowly putting on black thigh highs as my husband watched me prepare for fucking another man.    He managed to be leaving as Alpha 1 was driving in---they crossed paths but Alpha 1 only had pussy on the brain and never noticed. 
Alpha 1 had requested I be naked when answering the door so he could "rape" me against the door.  This is a common fantasy  theme he guess is when he is angry at his spouse, because I am never harmed in any way.   But he would have to compromise...I had an idea.

I saw him pull up, so I come his steps...I swung the door wide wide open as my legs and wet pussy  were spread apart sitting on the floor waiting for him...He walked in to see me sitting on the floor all splayed open...BIG SMILE. He closed the door, "suck my cock bitch". 

I proceded to undo his pants, unzip, bring out his very large and hard cock. It went in my mouth.  I was tickling his shaft with my tongue and sucking on his head. MMM. He liked that. 

"Now, Down on your knees, I want to fuck that cunt! "  I got on my knees on a hard tile floor...(ouch!)  He reached around and fingered my clit until I was quivering &  moaning.   The motion pitched me forward, and when my head was hitting the door...I said time to get in bed...

He undressed & tossed his clothes on dining room chairs.  Once in bed, he had me lay down, spread my legs and he fucked me...I knew what he wanted...harder! Faster!   He fucked me, then had me lay sideways like he likes to get good and deep.  He came soon after, then crashed. He was tired as he had ben up all night.

I scratched his back as he fell sound asleep.   I was wired after got up and made coffee and bacon for later. Then I went & laid back down. He stirred..".WHY ISN'T YOUR MOUTH SUCKING MY COCK?"  SO, I knelt between his legs, took his cock in both hands & worshipped the cock. Then I put it in my mouth..but careful! It  was sensitive.    He was tired, so I got on top and squirmed and grinded until I came.  He fell back asleep.

AT 8, I put my hand on his shoulder as his phone tinged an alarm. He needed to be up at 8 to be on his way.    No, he did not want breakfast...He cleaned up then came out to get dressed. There was a plate of bacon & cup of coffee..".BACON? YOU MADE BACON? I thought I smelled it."  He gobbled up what was on the plate. (don't all men love bacon?)  .  He got dressed, we hugged & he was gone.  Text to husband..COAST IS CLEAR  When he got home we hugged & he said..he could smell another man on me. Very distinctly another man's scent on me. 

Now today, the day after,  I can still feel his prescence...he gives a good pussy pounding..deep. It feels like sore muscles after exercising...does not hurt...but I know he is there. Inside me. 

I had been anticipating getting together with Alpha 2 in just another day, but unfortunately he texted that his trip was cancelled.  

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...