Thursday, August 6, 2015

Twenty-two Years of Patience!!!

Twenty-two years ago today, I took my wife out on our first date.  I won't disclose the location but it was to an Island.  We flew down for the day and had a really nice time and finished the date back in our home town at a restaurant on the ocean.  Nuff said almost..

When we arrived on the Island, we stopped at a world famous bar.  I ordered my favorite "diet coke" and she ordered a beer.  Coors I believe.  I got a bit worried about this because I had dated several girls who were either total lushes or loved "Coke" a bit more than I wanted to tolerate...I'm not talking about the kind you drink either.

Well about one and half hours later I asked her if she was ever going to finish her beer.  She had taken about two sips...I don't know much but I do know that no self respecting lush is gonna take an hour and half to take two sips of beer.  We left it for the local drunks to finish off and took a walk down a sleazy street with lots of bars and tourist t-shirt shops.

We went to a world famous house owned one time by a world famous celebrity...(Don't they all live on Islands?) and we paid our admission and went in for our history lesson.

My date (now my cuckolding wife) was wearing what she later told me were her "SLUT SHORTS" because she wanted me to see her ass which is very nice and she was afraid I would not like the fact that she had smaller breasts...Little did she know that I'm an ass man and leg guy and breasts are pretty but non essential equipment for me.

So anyway she walked up these stairs and yeah, I was impressed with her ass.....I was smart enough to know ladies go I had a great view.  The shorts were grey and I could immediately see she had "visible panty lines."  (little panties....{I'm an expert}but panties non the less.)  I hate panties because they get in the way of pussy and after all I love pussy.....

So I made a vow, that if we continued to date I would one day see her walk up those stairs in "Slut Shorts" but I would not be looking at panty lines....I also un- be known to her also thought  that one day she would be married to me and she would not only be fucking me but she would be fucking other guys too.....

So for our twenty first anniversary (we got married one year to the day of our first date) or our 22nd year together we re-visited our Island and we went back to the celebs house and she wore Slut Shorts and to paraphrase an well know actress in A jeans commercial, Nothing came between her and her shorts.  and here is the picture I  took  this time.  Unfortunately 22 years ago I did not snap one...but to me her ass is as great looking now as it was then and even if you did not see it 22 years ago, I bet you'll agree she has one smokin' ass!!!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DARLING I LOVE YOU!!!


Dan said...

So sweet!! Congratulations, you two! You're an inspiration to all of us! You make me long for the days when I used to be able to fly my date somewhere nice.

bdenied said...

thanks for the comment Dan good to hear from you

Lavender Fields said...

I agree Mrs bdenied has a great ass. Happy Anniversary

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...