Saturday, July 25, 2015

Mission Accomplished!!!!

Story #2 by Mrs. Bdenied

Ok. So Now I have a New Guy sniffing around.

While new guy is sniffing around I got another text this week from #1.  Number 1 had planned a trip down that a problem? says he.  (still wary I may be angry, perhaps?)   Not at all! says I :)  the PLAN was to pick him up, come to my place for a couple of hours, then drive him to his car at an airport.   GREAT!

The day of a text...won't be at original planned airport to pick him up at, it will be airport #2.  OK. Still workable. Then soon after....sorry.  NO CAN DO airport #2 and his only option was to just fly into where his car was which is airport # 3 and a long way from where I live.{ I'm simmering now} 

I texted him,  Nah,  why don't you just go home, will catch you another time.  Quick text back from him " NO NO NO!"   I responded, there is no  place to  go. He will be like old times (playing to my sympathies of other times we fucked in his truck)

He then says,"I brought a new TOY! It slips right in and will not be visible! We'll get a hotel room!!!"   Still, I responded, save your money, you can show me next time you are in town.  "PLEASE,  PLEASE,  PLEASE COME DOWN HERE!"  "I GUANRANTEE 3 Os at least! PLEASE!"     Oh, OK.  (I could hear the "whew" from out of state) 

So I did drive down with the usual items: Dress, No panties, towel.  

 Got down there and I switched over to the passenger seat with a pair of panties hung over the stick shift.  He started to drive, reached in his backpack & took out a special dildo...2 prong.  Interesting.  He slipped one end in my pussy, and the other fit on the outside.  It had 6 settings...he set it in a medium pulsing...YES THAT IS GOOD!!!! All while driving down the street. 

When I had enough, I took it out, wiped  off  the pussy juice with a Wet One.  He slipped his cock out from his shorts and I placed the towel discreetly over him......I stroked his cock...then a car would come up beside us...had to stop.  Started up again.....back to stroking his huge hard on, now well lubricated with pre-cum. OOPs...a big SUV behind us...STOP. 

 He wanted me to lean over & suck his cock while driving...I do that..but cars kept coming up beside us and my car sits low. He did not want anyone to see.  So he drove all around looking for a dark corner with no cameras...found a restaurant with a large parking lot...parked away from everyone...he waited & looked all around. 

OK...stroked him some more...I started sucking his cock when another car drove up and parked right beside us...a huge parking lot & it had to park right beside us? REALLY?  The couple got out & watched the sunset (which was gorgeous) .

#1 got nervous & started driving around again. Turned down one dark street....police car parked right on the side of the road facing us...OOPS. keep going!  FINALLY he found a dark deserted street in a warehouse came the towel &"   BITCH, SUCK THIS HUGE COCK". I went down on him
and he was more than ready!  I had the towel wrapped around so nothing would leak out of my mouth & stain his shorts....but HOORAY. Dirty deed done dirt cheap!  ha ha ha. 

Drove back to his car...I wait until I  know HIS car starts...waved goodbye and drove home...mission accomplished.

New Guy

Story #1 By Mrs. BDenied

Ok.  A few weeks ago #1 had been in town for 3 days. We had gotten together on the first day, and he SAID he would text me with the times to get together again before he left on the 3rd day, a Thursday.  Since I do not text first...on Thursday I waited. And waited.  By 1PM  I decided to text him...WHAT TIME?    No response.  About 15 minutes later I texted again with just question marks, ???  Quick response back. "Left y'day"    WTF.   I was angry...not usually the one to get that way because I  understand his occupational hazards.....but before he comes to town, I get texts every day. Before he gets on the plane, he texts. Even when on the  plane, he texts. now he could not take TEN SECONDS TO TEXT ME  "Left y'day"????  grrrr.  I felt it was rude and felt very disrespected.  I said to hubby, with hand on hip, "Find me a new one. That's it."   

So, eager to please, unbeknownst to me, he did do some researching for a new guy.  IN THE MEANTIME.  On the weekend, I got a text from #1....grrr. Still steaming.  I texted back how angry I was..."WHAT? CALL ME."  I called & let him have it. He PANICKED knowing a really good piece of ass was about to slip through his fingers. ...he did the best LIE LIKE A GUY  act I have ever heard!     Please, don't be angry, My wife found something..bla bla bla....Please. Please.   Well. I can't stay angry very long when I like after his pleading & some begging...I relented. Oh, OK.   How can I help you?

Hubby then informed me he had received an e-mail from another interested party that fit my likes. I made a face. He e-mailed back, apologizing, I decided to basically keep what I had. ...but then looking at the profile, I was intrigued. So Hubby e mailed back the possibility. And you know how guys are...if there is even the remotest chance of pussy....So we set up a meet & greet for the 3 of us.  

When we met, I sat in the booth, thinking hubby would sit next to me. But no, New Guy sat right down beside me. Well I was surprised & looked down at him thinking....WHAT THE HECK.  But Ok...take charge guy.....that's OK. We talked and his hand was on my thigh...creeping up to do a panty check. I did not discourage it.  During the talking, he sounded nice. He discovered what type panties I was wearing.  By the end of the meeting, we agreed to continue.  Due to his time constraints, he & I met the next day at our place,

We sat on the couch first...trying to do small talk. He bent over and we started kissing & the fun began.  He laid me back and went down and starting kissing my pussy.  When I had come, I said, Let's go to the bedroom, it is more comfortable.

In the bedroom, we disrobed...he had me sit on his face while I sucked his cock.  I rolled off, he put on a condom and began fucking me.  It was not the move the bed and fuck me into next week that I am accustomed to, it was nicer, but he was fucking me.  It was lasting a long time and I mentioned change positions.  I bent over & sucked his hard on.  He turned me around and did me from behind.  During the switch up, the condom came off , so he got a new one and starting doing me from behind. After a bit, it was very warm and he was sweating. I suggested we rest a bit. Put the fan on and we laid under the fan cooling our jets talking. He talked...asking many questions. Very curious fellow. What do I like. How often?  and many more. He talks a LOT.

Then after a bit, he put on another condom joking hubby would be, how many times did they do it?  He fucked me some more missionary...and fucked and fucked...I said I was getting sore...he asked what position would I like? I said from behind, so I flipped over & he took my hips and entered, fucked...and finally came.

We talked more. It was now lunch time. He said, where would I like to go for lunch. YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING.   #1 NEVER has done this!  Nice.  So, we went out to lunch. We discussed how things went...I said I was willing to have him come back.  SO, we went back to my place, I saw him to his car and he left. 

Got a text soon after how much he enjoyed it, he would like to continue the arrangement.  He texts me his schedule every other day or so and I know  when he will be available.  Will be seeing him again next week.

Funny how things work out...the very next day...who did I get a text from?  Yup. Good old is like they can smell it...someone might be taking my pussy! Gotta get down there!

I will not give up #1, but now I have a more reliable sometime local who is very nice.

When it rains it pours.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Whole lotta cuckolding going on

There had been a famine and now there is a feast...more cuckolding had happened in the last month than probably in the last two years.

It happens and its been happening and it makes me really happy and turned on. She is right this minute cuckolding me again.  This will be the third time in about seven days....
Ill write more later but for now know it is happening!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Lunch is served

Her mouth, definitely not my cock!  This is the photo that was texted to me today. I had no idea what she was up too.  She said he insisted that she send it. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Other Men's Cocks and Rings and Things!!!!

by Mrs bdenied

Wow. What else can I say. 

 My #1 F Buddy started texting me over the weekend.  He does that...when he is scheming a trip to get down our way, he starts texting me and calling nearly every day.   Working himself up.  He let me know he would be down here, could I pick him up early---that has never been a problem.  It was to pick him up early, drive to our place, fuck, then drive him down to a different place where he keeps his car to drive to his second home here. 

He kept telling me all the things he wanted to was blindfold me and have a different guy come in & do me and leave; I would never see him. That freaked me out, but hubby understood, that was just one of his fantasies. In thinking about it...I would have known if there was someone else in the drive down, and we live in a gated community. Just fantasy. Hubby was correct. He has many fantasies that have not actually been done in person. He is always telling me things he is going to do to me, and many have not been done.

He texted that morning that flight was delayed due to weather.  He made sure WE WOULD BE ALONE!!!!   Did I have all the necessary items ready? Yes. Towel for the car. Lube all ready at the house. Clean towels at the ready.  And the usual "uniform"...dress with NO PANTIES and especially no BRA. 

 I watched on Flight Tracker where he was, and was able to be there to actually see the jet land.  Everything was at the ready. Panties hung on the stick shift. Towel over the seat.Then out he came. He  confidently sauntered out to the car. I already had the trunk popped and he put his things in the trunk. He had said he was exhausted, I would drive back. That is unusual. I always get out, hand him the keys & get in the passenger seat. He is in control.    But yesterday, I stayed put, he got in passenger seat.

Driving out, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his big cock..."is this what you want, you whore?"    YES. "Stroke it."   So I reached over and stroked. He had precum, so I stopped to tease. I did not want him to cum yet.  I kept doing that...all under the towel now draped over his big cock so no one could see.  This continued all the way home---start, stop, start, stop.   Got home and he walked in with a raging hard on.

The moment I shut the door, BAM. I was shoved against HIS door, he raised my dress, his legs parted my legs.  "Spread them, you dirty whore!"   "Lean over" and He entered me, then harder .  I had to keep my head on my arm across the door to keep my head from hitting the door he was pounding so hard and deep. "I'm Fucking You against HIS DOOR!! (he meant my husband of course.)

Then it was off to the bedroom. I took my dress off , I brought my panties in from the car and  threw them on the floor & dropped my dress  on the floor, stepped out of my sandals, took off my watch & wedding ring which landed on the floor next to the rest of the discarded clothes.  He did the same, only neatly folding his clothes and placing his watch on the table.

In the bedroom it was hot and heavy. He had me lean over the bed, grabbed my hips, plunged into me HARD. Over & over he was raping me. (it did not hurt. I knew what was coming & I was very turned on and ready for the onslaught.)  Then turned me around & did it from the side because he can go deeper that way.  Then he said, "I am looking at the picture of your husband and thinking, I AM FUCKING YOUR WIFE!"  Then back face down...He grabbed my hips and went hard and deep. Now he could not hold it. He pulled out & came all over my back. He slumped down on me. Then got right up, grabbled a nearby towel & wiped us off before I could say..wait! Take a photo of your cum on me so HE can see another man fucked me!  But too late.

Then he collapsed on the bed. I laid beside him
 very quietly. I am very careful not to get too clingy or close...we are just fuck buddies after all.   I held his strong biceps. He rolled over & asked me to scratch his back. I did, then just ran my hands all over his back & but.  He was now fast asleep.   He slept  for an hour or so while I laid there, got up & moved around the house.

When he woke up, It was another round of a good old pussy pounding. This time he came inside of me.  I tried to take a picture while he was in the bathroom cleaning up.   I got up, cleaned up. It was time to go.

He is very comfortable in the house now...he just walks around & gets things like he own the place. He made sure to pee in Hubby's bathroom...(spreading his scent?) . Grabbed some water from the fridge....and we got dressed to leave.

He drove this time...back in to his car, took his items out while & waited to make sure his car started.  It did...waved goodbye, and we were headed our separate ways.

Wow. What else can I say?  Look closely and you will see my Wedding ring and watch next to the shoe on the floor.

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...