Monday, February 7, 2011

Four Years

Four Years ago
Four Years ago today, I began to write this blog. Below you will find the post that began this blog. In the four years there have been 559 posts published, twenty-seven drafts that I did not deem worthy of publication and numerous re-designs to the blog. This post will be number 560 a nice even fitting number with which to say my final goodbye. Yes, all things good and bad must come to an end and I shall let you the reader decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I want to say that to each of you who has taken the time to comment or read my blog or tag along as a "follower", you are much appreciated.

The blog is ending for several reasons.

First and foremost, I just do not believe I can add anything useful anymore to the discussion of cuckolding. What more can I say really that has not been said?

Secondly: Readership has dropped to all times lows. My stats tell me that from high of over 2,000 page visits a day, I saw one day last week with less than ten. Comments have dropped to almost none at all and only from the same loyal readers. I must conclude there is little interest in the blog....I have tried to use photos, cartoons and other visuals in the blog to keep it interesting but perhaps there have not been enough.

Finally, our cuckolding action has diminished to almost nothing itself, so there are really no erotic details to talk about. I think the both of us are finished looking for that guy who can provide the spice that we seek and we will just stay with what we have and if it happens it does and if it doesn't it doesn't.

The final tally for those of you interested in these stats, is that my lovely lady has had 18 different friends with benefits since we married. Not a bad number for a guy who enjoys his wife having sex with others. Certainly no record but not bad for the husband who is into this.

So good bye and good luck. The blog will be left in place for a while so if anyone wants to catch up they can and if they just stumble across the pages they can if they have an interest go back and read about our adventures. Thanks to each of you who has been a loyal reader, you have no idea how much you have meant to us.

First Post

I am writing this blog to give a real life perspective on what it is like to be a husband who has a beautiful wife who is not afraid to have sex with other men. I have encouraged her do do so and since we embarked on this course I have not looked back in regret one time. Ours is a relationship built on trust. We are not involved in fantasy cuckolding, so those of you who come here to read erotic cuckold fantasy will not find it. Sorry but as I said this is real.

We have been married for 14 years, and after a lot of discussion she began seeing other men about four years ago. She is very picky and very selective. To date she has been sexually intimate with about 11 or 12 different men. I always seem to get the count incorrect. I will try to tell about each of her experiences. From the outset, let's get one thing straight. I do not always watch. Rarely participate and we are not involved in degredation, humiliation, or any of the other fantasy stuff one reads about. No, its just about her sexual pleasure with other men and with my blessings, encouragement and approval.


Mamba said...

I must be a blog killer! I find one I like and subscribe and it goes bye bye. Well I did enjoy it. Best of Luck!

Ben and Annabel said...

That's very sad. We've enjoyed reading your blog. Don't be too down-hearted: ours has seen a serious drop in traffic until very recently too. I think that there's such an explosion of content out there that it's just harder all the time to keep people's attention. You guys did a good job - you were one of the first and certainly one of the best.

Thank you.

Ben and Annabel

Emma Kelly said...

Hi bd,

Em and I are sorry to see you go but understand and empathize with your decision. As usual we are on similar trajectories.

We've considered ending our blog as well but hang on doggedly hoping for a change as Em rejoins the workforce.

By all means, please stay in touch. We have valued your friendship and comments at our site.

Best as always,

Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Alfie said...

We will miss you so much. As you know, we don't share your life-style, but we have followed your adventures with interest. Good luck with everything you do, and be happy!

jude said...

will miss you and the sexy Ms BD as well.

ctredford said...

Let me add that I too have enjoyed your blog and hate to see you go away. Perhaps updates could be added as time goes by.


MyKey said...

Hey bd old chap

Ive enjoyed reading you, and corresponding. Hope your future is as cool as your past, wether we hear about it or not.


Suzanne said...

I've enjoyed your blog as well. I sometimes wonder how long my own will last. Thanks for all you've shared with your readers.

PDXsubcuck said...

I am of course clueless as to the "why" of any playing around. You might give some thought to leaving the blog up for a while and seeing what happens. I know that for whatever reasons that when we were playing we would go through dry spells where she just could not find someone that interested her and other times there would be more than enough men in her life.

I have no idea what is in my can see that we have not done anything in a long long time so I quit blogging since at this point I really don't have much to say. Since it is a different way to look at things I tried posting over at Experience Project going over things in my past to see where I got an interesting in swinging and hot wife and cuckolding. hope the future is interesting for the both of you.

Thinking back to some of your pictures. Not too long before Christmas our son built an AR...did most of the work himself and paid for it himself. It was fun and it shoots nice. I was thinking of using it for a photo shoot but if for no other reason it will not happen at least until it warms up here.

Again, enjoyed your very honest blog!

Unknown said...

Hi there - great info on the cuckolding scene and lifestyle. We are wondering if you would like to link to us and get 50% commission on all referrals? Our website and ebook is a modern approach to cuckolding :)

Commercial video:

Please get in touch and let us know how to proceed
(When Women Cheat dot Com) .

vsk witness said...

I totally get that after four years, it might be time for a change. I'm thinking the same thing. I'm also thinking that Tumbler might be the way to go. If its not fun, don't do it. You made a great blog and for that we thank you very very much.

Tallestrina said...

Sorry you're leaving.. just as I found you! Please leave in place for a few weeks so that I can see your earlier posts. I sympathise with you about the lack of comments, I feel that a blog should be a dialogue, otherwise its no better that a series of magazine articles. I've had 4000 + hits and just a few comments. I guess thats the way it is, there's a lot of people out there who just want to take your output with no input. Anyway, good luck, and I hope you and your wife stay happy with what you find in the future.

Kurt said...

Tumblr seems to be getting more traffic these days than anywhere else but isn't a real substitute for writing on a blog like this. Hope you come back to blogging after a while.

Topaz said...

Readership is falling off all round my dear. Sad to see you go, but from all the blogger acquaintences whom have taken that step, it is a wonderfully positive step, and I hope the best for you both :-)

duro said...

Yes, please leave this up for a bit. There are so many people posting that it's hard to sort it all out. Well, I wish to find all the pics of your luscious little wife's rear! My, my my!

SR MADRUGA said...

voçe é uma maravilha

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