Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The turn on of the Cheating Wife

I don't really know why but even though my wife has not only my permission but my blessing and encouragement to have sex with other men the thought of her having sex with someone without me knowing is an enormous turn on. She always tells me when she is hooking up with another guy and on rare occasions I am invited to watch an on fewer occasions I actually get to participate.

Do not get me wrong, watching or have a MFM three some is hot as hell, I find it even hotter thinking she could be fucking another man without my knowledge, blessing or encouragement.

Well actually blessing and encouragement are there but what I mean is that on the day it happens or the week before I do not know it will happen.  That to me is hot.

She has one guy who took her on our wedding anniversary and while I usually don't get to have sex with her after she has sex with another that day (we wrote about it too) I could not even wait to get out of the parking lot before my cock was sliding into her well fucked and cum lubricated pussy.  I lasted all of several seconds before I made the second deposit of the day.

So yesterday when he texted her asking her about her availability in February, I told her not to tell me the day.  I want her to meet him without my knowledge.  I am turned on just thinking about it and the only thing better for me than the anniversary day or the without my knowledge day would be what is represented by this photo

"It's Raining Men!"

  By Mrs. bdenied   They say  when  it rains  it pours, and it has  been the past  few weeks.   1st,  Alpha 1 got in touch with me for a v...